
Heatwave continues with highs of 40-plus centigrade on Thursday; cooler on Friday

Temperatures will remain very high throughout Greece on Thursday, in many places exceeding 40C,


Athenians start to quit the capital for Easter

Traffic was building up on roads exiting the Greek capital on Thursday, as motorists started heading out of Athens


City of Athens to build monument in memory of Tempi train collision accident

Following Athens Mayor Haris Doukas’s proposal, the city’s Municipality Council unanimously decided


Ten days before Lent, Greeks celebrate “Tsiknopempti” with barbecues and smiles [photos, videos]

Today Greece kicked off its colorful and festive carnival season with “TsiknoPempti”—literally smoky Thursday. Lent begins


Incidents lead to arrests at Tempi rally in Athens; traffic restored after protest march

Incidents broke out on Wednesday during a protest march organized by the civil servants


Traffic in Athens returning to normal after tractors depart from the capital

Traffic in central Athens was returning to normal on Wednesday, following the departure of protesting farmers


First group of rallying farmers starts off from Omonia Square toward Syntagma

The first protest marches by farmers who have gathered at Omonia Square started off on foot for Syntagma Square


Tractors roll into downtown Athens

Farmers drove their tractors into dowontown Athens from


European Parliament President Roberta Metsola visiting Athens, on Tuesday (February 20)

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola will make an official visit to Athens on Tuesday (February 20).


The US welcomes the meeting of the Greece-Turkiye High Level Cooperation Council in Athens: State Department response in Hellas Journal question

The US welcomes the upcoming meeting of the Greece-Turkiye High-Level Cooperation Council
