“The Independent Greeks will emerge even stronger after the elections” states Panos Kammenos

Independent Greeks (ANEL) national congress conference was concluded on Sunday party leader Panos Kammenos’ speech.
Kammenos noted that no other party has suffered such attack from the media adding that the co-governance’s target was the exit from the memoranda and the clash with the corruption adding that both targets are on track.

He noted that ANEL’s stance was always clearly against the handing over of the term “Macedonia” never and to nobody and reiterated that Independent Greeks’ position is they do not vote the agreement (Prespes agreement) and will not accept to be voted and the first they ask for is for supermajority.

Kammenos said that the government is ready to proceed with the recognition of EEZ starting with Albania, Italy, Egypt, Cyprus and Israel.

He also said that in Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) in September, the Prime Minister will announce that there will be no cuts to pensions and that the taxes will be reduced. He also clarified that the low VAT on the islands will be extended.

Concluding, Kammenos said that in the next general elections the Independent Greeks will be even more powerful.

Source: AMNA

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