Reps. Maloney and Bilirakis Introduce Resolution Regarding Cypriot Reunification

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.) and Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, introduced H.Res.187, a resolution to express the United States’ continued commitment to the reunification of Cyprus. It also condemns any attempts to impose a settlement due to current economic difficulties on the island.

Congresswoman Maloney: “The ongoing economic uncertainty in the Republic of Cyprus, along with the hardships facing its people, must not be viewed by the United States as an overwhelming factor in any reunification talks going forward. I believe a reunified Cyprus is in the United States’ interest and will help pave the way for more prosperity and peace throughout the entire region.  Cyprus is playing a vital role in European affairs while also strengthening relations with the United States.  It has joined with us on issues important to our own security, including the fight against terrorism and other international crimes.  It is up to Congress and the Administration to make our voices heard to ensure we reach the ultimate goal of reunification of the Republic of Cyprus.”

Congressman Bilirakis: “The United States must remain committed to the reunification of Cyprus and should not allow others to use the current economic situation to force a settlement. For almost 40 years, Turkey has illegally occupied the northern region of this country, displacing residents and hindering the Republic of Cyprus’ ability to effectively govern. While a reunified Cyprus would undoubtedly contribute to the economic stability of the Eastern Mediterranean, it is imperative that the proper groundwork be laid before negotiations begin again.”

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