Interior Minister Panos Skourletis leave cabinet for to become secretary of SYRIZA party

Interior Minister Panos Skourletis will be leaving the cabinet to become secretary of SYRIZA pending approval by the party’s Central Committee, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Monday.


“Tsipras uses communication gimmicks, there are specific responsibilities for the fire” ND says

Main opposition New Democracy on Monday accused Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of employing communications gimmicks and emphasised that responsibility for the mistakes and omissions during the Attica fires on July 23 were “specific” and demanded that someone be held accountable.


New Democracy’s Kikilias slams government: “No apologies and no resignations over the fires”

New Democracy shadow defence minister Vasilis Kikilias hit out at the government on Saturday for failing to apologize over the wildfires and called on the relevant officials to resign over the catastrophe.


New Democracy official opposition condemns SYRIZA-ANEL’s boycott of SKAI TV channel

Main opposition New Democracy on Thursday criticised announcements by the ruling coalition parties SYRIZA and Independent Greeks (ANEL) that their members would “boycott” programmes by the private radio and television channel SKAI, refusing to appear on its programmes.


“SYRIZA’s refusal to grant the right to vote to Greeks abroad is a brutal insult” says Kikilias

Whereas main opposition New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis, remaining true to his positions, had managed to look past party rivalries and vote for the splitting up of the large electoral constituencies in Attica, the prime minister had been unable to do the same thing for allowing Greeks abroad to vote, ND MP Vassilis Kikilias said.


“Tsipras opens the doors of NATO to FYROM, the people will judge him for it” says Mitsotakis

The Greece-FYROM name issue agreement is opening the door of NATO to the neighboring country, “surrendering the strongest negotiation weapon Greece has,” New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis charged on Wednesday, ahead of the NATO Summit in Brussels.


“The end of the memoranda era brings new opportunity for Greece” says Yannis Dragasakis

“The end of the memorandum is an opportunity for the country. We can plan our future with increased freedom by taking advantage of the fact that the economy is recovering and what we should discuss in the parliament and in society is how to make use it,” government vice president Yiannis Dragasakis said late on […]


“Government has a solid majority, will fulfill her whole term” assures Dimitris Tzanakopoulos

The government is absolutely solid and will last to the end of its four-year term, government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said on Friday in an interview with Alpha radio.


“ANEL MP departure does not threaten government majority” assures Dimitris Tzanakopoulos

Government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos on Tuesday expressed his certainty that the government’s majority remains “completely solid” and is not under threat after the departure of Independent Greeks (ANEL) MP Giorgos Lazaridis from its ranks. Tzanakopoulos was speaking on the radio station ‘Sto Kokkino’ following an announcement by Lazaridis that he was leaving ANEL, the junior […]


Greece takes back its sovereignty after debt deal, says Alexis Tsipras, at Zappeion Hall

Greece is taking back its sovereignty after a decision from creditors to provide the country with debt relief, making its loans sustainable, said Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Friday.
