Parliamentary procedures for Prespes agreement vote to start on Monday

The parliamentary procedures for the vote on the Prespes Agreement will start on Monday,


New Democracy’s Kyriakos Mitsotakis accuses coalition government of a “staged divorce”

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis,


The government will not fall despite ND’s expectations, Digital Policy Min Pappas says

Digital Policy Minister Nikos Pappas speaking to Open TV


SYRIZA-Independent Greeks divorce predetermined, says State Minister Vernardakis

The divorce between SYRIZA and the Independent Greeks (ANEL) party was now largely


“We must proceed to elections amid calmness and tranquility”, SYRIZA’s Mantas says

“We have to proceed to elections through calmness and tranquility,” SYRIZA parliamentary


Greece already counts 100 days without memoranda, Tsipras says: Government’s priorities

“Greece already counts the first 100 days without memoranda. The first really our 100 days. The days, that would never see the daylight in a country condemned to live in endless austerity, are here” said Prime Minister and SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras opening the works of SYRIZA Central Committee meeting on Saturday in Athens.


March for 45th anniversary of November 17 Polytechnic uprising ends in Athens

The 45th annual protest march to the US Embassy in Athens, held each year on November 17 to mark the anniversary of the 1973 student uprising at the Athens Polytechnic, was concluded on Saturday evening.


Every day brings new episode of fake confrontation between SYRIZA and ND, says Communist Party

Every day brings the addition of a new episode of fake confrontation between SYRIZA and New Democracy to conceal their convergence on the major and crucial issues. The revision of the Constitution is another such case at a time when the main issues in this revision, with minor variations, are included in both parties’ proposals, […]


Revision of Constitution will trigger debate with many different opinions, Tzanakopoulos says

Government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos characterised the revision of the Constitution the country’s Charter which is expected to trigger “a debate with many different opinions” adding that SYRIZA has carried out a laborious procedure which led to a proposal that included “mature demands and mature changes in the constitution that are taking into account the experience […]


“We support the Prespes agreement but not the government” states Stavros Theodorakis

“In politics, as in other areas of life, solutions are not just good or bad. We are often forced to make unpleasant choices,” the leader of the Potami party, Stavros Theodorakis, said on Tuesday in an interview with Star TV, in reference to the Prespes Agreement.
