The Prespes Agreement can’t change in the future, FYROM Prime Minister Zaev states

It is an agreement that can’t change in the future, said FYROM Prime Minister


Για μια “δίκαιη και παγκόσμια Μακεδονία” ομιλεί και προκαλεί ο Ζόραν Ζάεφ (video)

«Φτάνουμε στο τέλος μίας από τις πιο σημαντικές, αλλά και ευαίσθητες χρονιές για τη χώρα μας.


Zaev confident of Greek parliament’s support of Prespes Agreement: I also have faith in Kammenos

SKOPJE (ANA/N. Frangopoulos) – Zoran Zaev, prime minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, expressed confidence that parliament will support the amendments adopting terms of the Prespes Agreement and that the process will be completed by mid-January. He noted that the amendments were the products of collaboration that included Albanian representatives and comprised “an […]


We want to change Greece into a leading power in the region, Tsipras says from Thessaloniki

Greece is becoming a leading power in the Balkans and the East Mediterranean, Prime Minister


Conditions exist for Prespes Agreement to pass by wide margin, Tzanakopoulos says

“The political prerequisites are there for a broad parliamentary majority, in the highly


EuroParliament votes for start of FYROM, Albania accession talks in June 2019 if conditions met

Lawmakers in the European Parliament discussed the European perspective of countries in the Western Balkans in a plenary session on Thursday, adopting resolutions that set out the requirements for the start of accession talks with FYROM and Albania need to meet so that accession talks can commence in June 2019.


Ερώτηση των Κικίλια και Δημοσχάκη για την αφαίρεση πυραμίδων στα σύνορα Ελλάδας-FYROM

Την αφαίρεση μεθοριακών πυραμίδων στα σύνορα Ελλάδας και FYROM καταγγέλλουν με ερώτησή τους προς τους υπουργούς Εθνικής ‘Αμυνας και Προστασίας του Πολίτη, ο τομέαρχης ‘Αμυνας της ΝΔ, Βασίλης Κικίλιας και ο βουλευτής Έβρου, Αναστάσιος Δημοσχάκης.


«Άφαντος» ο αρχηγός των εθνικιστών στα Σκόπια: Οι διωκτικές αρχές ψάχνουν τον Γκρούεφσκι

«Άφαντος» για τις διωκτικές αρχές της πΓΔΜ παρέμενε μέχρι και τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες ο πρώην πρωθυπουργός της χώρας Νίκολα Γκρούεφσκι, σε βάρος του οποίου η αστυνομία της χώρας εξέδωσε ένταλμα σύλληψης προκειμένου να εκτίσει ποινή φυλάκισης δύο ετών που του επιβλήθηκε.


The Greatest Philhellene the U.S. Senate has ever seen is Senator Bob Menendez of N.J.

By Endy Zemenides “For every Hellene and philhellene in New Jersey, for every American who realizes the importance of the East Med. to U.S. national security interests, the reelection of Bob Menendez is of paramount importance…” 


Greece is a staunch supporter in FYROM’s EU accession, says deputy PM Bujar Osmani

Greek Alternate Foreign Minister Giorgos Katrougalos and FYROM Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani will discuss the Prespes Agreement on the name issue signed between the two countries in June and FYROM’s EU accession, during the latter’s visit to Athens on Thursday.
