The Unwanted Dead – The Shocking End of Zorba’s Heretical Author: The untold story of Nikos Kazantzakis is finally revealed.

Ο συγγραφέας του βιβλίου για το Νίκο Καζαντζάκη, δημοσιογράφος Γιώργος Πράτανος. Φωτογραφία από το αρχείο του

The Unwanted Dead, set for release August 19th, 2021, is a political/romantic thriller based on actual events which transpired in 1957, immediately after the death of Greece’s most celebrated – and most controversial author – Nikos Kazantzakis.

His widow, Helen, fights against the Greek State and the Church to give her husband a proper funeral. While the authorities seek revenge, a journalist seeks the truth. Author and journalist Yorgos Pratanos, through research and interviews of people who were present at the time of the recorded events, chronicles the ten turbulent days during which these events took place.

Along with her husband legacy, Helen Kazantzakis, inherits his arch enemies: The Greek State and the Church.

The days after his passing, she will face insults and disrespect. Her only consolation is the loving and adventurous memories with him: Her initial dislike of Kazantzakis, his unconventional flirting, his scandalous proposal to live together in Moscow out of wedlock, the Pope Pius XII’s decision to censor his book, the Greek government’s attempts to prevent him from winning a Nobel Prize, the efforts of the Greek Church to excommunicate him.

Meanwhile, in Athens, the ambitious reporter Freddie Germanos is assigned his first significant reportage: to cover the funeral and expose the authorities’ machinations to disparage the dead thinker. Unfortunately, he will have plenty to report.

“Pratanos weaves together a story intricately detailed and impeccably researched, a story which grabs you from the very first page.”

Heather Morris, author

“The story of Nikos Kazantzakis is a modern day Greek Tragedy that must be told. And there’s no one better to do it than George Pratanos.”

–George Lois, Art Director, Author

Yorgos Pratanos was born in Thessaloniki, Greece. He is a journalist who lives in Athens, dramatically single, emphatically loved by family and friends.

Copies of The Unwanted Dead are available at all major booksellers, including Black Rose Writing, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.

The Unwanted Dead, by Yorgos Pratanos

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