Kammenos has made an irreparable damage to Greece’s national interests, says Vasilis Kikilias

“Panos Kammenos presented a plan in Washington which has made an irreparable damage to the national interests and the prestige of the country,” New Democracy (ND) shadow Defence Minister Vassilis Kikilias said in an interview with RealNews on Sunday.


The government remains committed to the Prespes agreement, says transport minister Christos Spirtzis

“Our political differences with ANEL are well known. We have different views on a series of critical issues in national issues. It is not something new,” Infrastructure and Transport Minister Christos Spirtzis said on Sunday in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA).


“Απάντηση” ΑΝΕΛ στο ΚΙΝΑΛ: Κάθε επίθεση σε βάρος του Πάνου Καμμένου είναι τίτλος τιμής…

Με αφορμή το σχόλιο του ΚΙΝΑΛ για την συνέντευξη του Πάνου Καμμένου στο ΒBC, o εκπρόσωπος ΑΝΕΛ προέχει σε σχετική ανακοίνωση, τονίζοντας μεταξύ άλλων, ότι “κάθε επίθεση και κάθε συκοφαντία σας σε βάρος του Πάνου Καμμένου είναι τίτλος τιμής και απόλυτης δικαίωσής του”.


New Democracy official opposition condemns SYRIZA-ANEL’s boycott of SKAI TV channel

Main opposition New Democracy on Thursday criticised announcements by the ruling coalition parties SYRIZA and Independent Greeks (ANEL) that their members would “boycott” programmes by the private radio and television channel SKAI, refusing to appear on its programmes.


“Arguements are good, as they highlight party differences”, says Dimitris Tzanakopoulos

Controversies highlight the differences between the political parties and in these cases they are intense, government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said on Friday to radio 24/7 commenting on the fierce debate between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and main opposition New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Thursday in parliament.


“The Independent Greeks will emerge even stronger after the elections” states Panos Kammenos

Independent Greeks (ANEL) national congress conference was concluded on Sunday party leader Panos Kammenos’ speech. Kammenos noted that no other party has suffered such attack from the media adding that the co-governance’s target was the exit from the memoranda and the clash with the corruption adding that both targets are on track.


Independent Greeks MP Costas Katsikis vows total support to party and government

Independent Greeks (ANEL) MP Costas Katsikis ruled out the possibility of leaving his party, the junior partner of the ruling coalition, or revoking his support to the government, in statements on Wednesday.


“ANEL MP departure does not threaten government majority” assures Dimitris Tzanakopoulos

Government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos on Tuesday expressed his certainty that the government’s majority remains “completely solid” and is not under threat after the departure of Independent Greeks (ANEL) MP Giorgos Lazaridis from its ranks. Tzanakopoulos was speaking on the radio station ‘Sto Kokkino’ following an announcement by Lazaridis that he was leaving ANEL, the junior […]


ANEL party member of parliament Giorgos Lazaridis becomes independent

Independent Greeks (ANEL) MP Giorgos Lazaridis, announced on Tuesday that he is leaving the party and becoming an independent MP.


Parliament rejects censure motion against government, by 153 votes to 127

The Greek Parliament on Saturday rejected a censure motion against the government, with 153 votes against the motion and 127 votes in favour out of a total 280 votes cast.
