Carnivals in full swing in Patras and other parts of Greece on last day before Lent

Big carnival parade also in Rentis, Attica. ANA – MPA/ALEXANDROS BELTES

The big carnival parade in the centre of Patras began in a riot of colours and joyful music on Sunday afternoon, with thousands of visitors flooding the city to join in the legendary celebrations on the last day of the carnival season.

With the good weather as an ally, the parade kicked off at 14:00, led by the Patras municipal band and followed by a parade of carnival floats and groups. They include the “Carnival King”, the float of the 2024 Carnival Queen Georgia Sakka decorated with 30,000 carnations, “Smile” inspired by silent cinema, “Circus Dancers”, “John Lennon” and the flower children, and the children’s floats “Carnival Baby”, “Carousel”, “Journey with the Imagination”, “Moon”, “Doggie”, “Centipede”, “Iguana” and “Circus”.

They will be followed by more than 60,000 members of the 181 “Hidden Treasure” crews, who make up the “heart” of the Patras Carnival, who will parade in costume and their own floats.

The parade is expected to last more than five hours and end with the traditional annual “chocolate wars”.

Big carnival parade in Rentis

The Piraeus suburb of Rentis in Attica is also expected to draw thousands of participants from surrounding areas, being one of the largest in the capital. It features dozens of floats and some 20 crews with 5,000 participants.
This year’s Carnival King is gorilla, while many of the floats are based on favourite fairy stories, while one has an anti-smoking message.

Source: ANA – MPA

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