New Democracy will abolish Katrougalos pension law, Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in an interview

New Democracy intends to replace the current pension system introduced by the Katrougalos law, replacing it with an entirely new and viable pension system that it has already prepared, main opposition leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in an interview with ‘Ta Nea’ appearing on Saturday.

“The Katrougalos law will be abolished,” he said, noting that ND’s economic policy programme was based on a “sweeping wave of reforms that will make the economy competitive and the state functional.”

National elections were now just months away, whether Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras like this or not, Mitsotakis pointed out. The prime minister was seeking a “life raft” in extreme polarisation to keep his government afloat, he added, but “not even polarisation will avert his conclusive defeat”.

Even if ND should emerge from the elections with an overall majority, Mitsotakis said that he would still strive for the broadest possible consensus with the other parties – with the exception of Panos Kammenos “who bears huge responsibility for all that has happened to the country in recent years.”

He also promised sweeping changes within New Democracy and “pleasant surprises” in the selection of candidates that will be presented in the run-up to the elections, adding: “I will govern with the best.”

Regarding economic policy, ND’s leader said his government will negotiate for lower primary surplus targets “once it has presented clear and measurable signs of reforms” and that he will avoid “following Tsipras” in promising handouts at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF), which could further increase the already high cost of borrowing for the country.

Source: ANA-MPA

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