Tsipras: Greece has surpassed difficult milestones, is implementing commitments

The Greek government has achieved very difficult milestones and is implementing all its commitments, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Monday evening, responding to a question on an article published in a German daily, speaking during a live interview on public broadcaster ERT.

“The official voice of the German government in Greece, the German embassy, completely dismissed the report,” Tsipras said, adding that the story doesn’t represent the official German government. Instead, he said conservative circles never miss an opportunity to attack his government.

“Our country is not only implementing its commitments, but has also achieved very difficult milestones. What was threatening our country is off the table,” he noted, adding that Greece has allies.

Die Welt cited an alleged report of the German embassy in Athens, which described Greece as a “rudderless ship” and accused the Tsipras government of delaying implementation of reforms.

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