
Turkey: Rights Defenders, Journalists Jailed: New Crackdown Targets Activists for ‘Terrorism’

(Berlin, June 20, 2016) – An academic and two journalists who have played a key role in Turkey’s human rights movement have been jailed pending investigation into spurious allegations of spreading terrorist propaganda, Human Rights Watch said today. They should be released immediately and the investigation dropped.


Deputy FM Amanatidis: Hagia Sofia is a world heritage monument protected by UNESCO

Ankara’s decision to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque is against the European course that Turkey wants to follow, Deputy Foreign Minister Yiannis Amanatidis said on Tuesday to ANA-MPA’s radio “Praktorio 104.9 FM”.


Turkish aircrafts entered 42 times in Athens FIR

Four Turkish aircrafts F-16, three naval cooperation aircrafts and six helicopters entered into Athens FIR on Monday without submitting flight plans. 18 violations of Athens FIR air traffic regulations were recorded that developed into 42 violations of the Greek airspace in several parts of the Aegean.


Why the Cyprus reunification won’t happen!

By Ilias Kouskouvelis Perhaps there are many people from both sides of the dividing and occupation line that may want to see the reunification of the island… Perhaps, also, there are major powers that may think it is in their interest the illegal occupation to end…


Turkish Border Guards Kill and Injure Asylum Seekers: Border Lockdown Puts Lives at Risk

(Istanbul, May 10, 2016) – Turkish border guards are shooting and beating Syrian asylum seekers trying to reach Turkey, resulting in deaths and serious injuries, Human Rights Watch said today. The Turkish authorities should stop pushing Syrian asylum seekers back at the border and should investigate all use of excessive force by border guards.


U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens of increased threats throughout Turkey

The U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens of increased threats from terrorist groups throughout Turkey and to avoid travel to southeastern Turkey.


Gold rushes to Turkey: the Israelis are lining up for their “specialised” Faustian pact with Erdogan

By Titos Leonidas Not to be left behind the obsequious Europeans, the Israelis are rushing for their own Faustian pact with the Islamists of Turkey. In the immediate aftermath of the suicide terrorist attack in Istanbul, on March 19th, that left five persons dead and scores injured, Dore Gold, Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of […]


EU leaders agree on joint stance ahead of Friday talks with Turkish PM Davutoglu

The European Union member states agreed late on Thursday in Brussels on a draft agreement on migration to be discussed with Turkey on Friday.


Brookings: Η Ευρώπη κερδίζει χρόνο με τη συμφωνία με την Τουρκία για το προσφυγικό

Μία ενδιαφέρουσα ανάλυση του Matteo Garavoglia* με τίτλο The EU-Turkey dirty deal on migrants: Can Europe redeem itself; που δημοσιεύεται στην ιστοσελίδα της αμερικανικής δεξαμενής σκέψης Brookings.


The game of Turkey*: Ankara’s ultimate purpose is to use the crisis to promote it’s interests

By Ilias Kouskouvelis* It seems that European leaders could not conceal their surprise at seeing Turkey’s behaviour lately. What did they expect? Did they really believe that Turkey would respect the agreement with the EU on the refugees, without trying to maximize its gains on a variety of issues? Did they really expect that, because […]
