Greece reports 436 new coronavirus cases, 7 deaths on Wednesday; 86 in ICUs


Greece reported 436 new confirmed novel coronavirus infections on Wednesday, with 63 people linked to known clusters and 31 detected at the country’s entry points.

The National Public Health Organization announced that all cases since the pandemic arrived in Greece in late February total 23,495 of whom 3,404 are believed to be related to travel abroad and 9,525 to previously known cases.

A total of 86 people are intubated. Their median age is 68 years, 93 pct have an underlying condition or are aged 70 or more, and 22 of them are women.

Another 245 patients have been discharged from ICUs since the pandemic broke out in Greece.
In addition, another seven deaths were reported on Wednesday, which raises the total number of fatalities to 469, of whom 179 were women. The median age of the deceased was 79 years, and 96.6 pct had an underlying condition and/or were al least 70 years old.

Source: ANA – MPA


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