The goal of the government is to implement social and economic reconstruction, says Tzanakopoulos

The government’s goal is the economic and social reconstruction of the country focusing on the reinforcement of wage labour and the continuation of reforms with the view to reorganising public administration and emphasis on improving the investment climate as well as a series of actions to build an effective social state, government spokesman, Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said on Sunday in an interview with ‘Ethnos’ newspaper.

Asked on the possibility to cut pensions and the tax free threshold, he said that the 3.5 pct surplus target can be met over the next years without any new measures.

Tzanakopoulos stressed that time has come to gradually restore the injusticies of the crisis and support citizens.
“Based on the projections of the medium-term fiscal strategy program, Greece will have the fiscal room in the coming years that should be exploited in the best possible way to strengthen those who have borne the burden of the crisis,” he said adding Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will makes specific announcements in the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF).

Source: AMNA

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