Justice Minister: We have never believed that communism is a criminal ideology like Nazism

“We have never believed that communism is a criminal ideology like Nazism,” Justice Minister Stavros Kontonis said on Tuesday in statements to public broadcaster ERT, adding that “although the model of communism responsible for an authoritarian model of government that produced crimes was rightly accused of, communism, as an ideology, has not only produced this phenomenon.”

Kontonis defended the decision not to attend the conference organized by the Estonian EU Presidency as it attempts to identify communism with Nazism.

Regarding the fires on the island of Zakynthos, he insisted that it was the work of arsonists with economic or even political motives for trespassing forest areas and causing social unrest.

On the economy and the third programme review, he underlined that both the partners and the rating agencies believe that the situation is properly handled and estimated that the third review will be concluded sooner than the previous ones.

Source: ANA-MPA

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