
Turkey: The “Great Muslim Democracy”

by Burak Bekdil, http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4807/turkey-muslim-democracy Where Turkey stands today is a perfect example of how, when Islamists — mild or otherwise — rule a county, even the most basic liberties are systematically suppressed. “A climate of fear has emerged in Turkey.” — Hasam Kilic, President, Turkey’s Constitutional Court. The prosecutor demanded a heavier penalty for the […]


Britain behind all the ills and suffering in Cyprus

By MICHAIL IGNATIOU The British PM, David Cameron, was last Thursday in Acrotiri, Cyprus. .. This is the British Sovereign Military Base that the British got by fiat and blackmail, during the end of the anti-colonial struggle of EOKA (1, 2). Instead of departing defeated and humiliated, as they should have, they obtained dictatorial privileges […]


The Reopening of Halki Seminary: A Great Opportunity for Turkey’s Image!

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris In one of the beautiful islands located in the Sea of Marmara there lies a legend. The name of the idyllic island is Halki and there-in sits a majestic school that began operating in 1844 teaching the Greek-Orthodox religion and its rituals. The famous Seminary of Halki that has had many a […]


What about Turkey and Cyprus?‎

By Uzay Bulut On July 20, two important incidents were reported by the Turkish Radio and Television ‎Corporation, the country’s national public broadcaster.‎


Gus Bilirakis and Ted Deutch Condemn Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan

Washington, D.C. – Representatives Gus Bilirakis and Ted Deutch, Co-Chairs of the Congressional Hellenic Israel Alliance condemned Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s comments made in recent days concerning Israel’s military response to continued rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization:


Cyprus Problem: War Crime not just an Intercommunal Dispute

By Constantinos T. Sofocleous The recent European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decision against Turkey vis a vis the 40 year long illegally occupied territory of the Republic of Cyprus on the north and control by the Turkish military poses important questions regarding the credibility of democratic nations that proclaim adherence to international law and […]


Turkey guilty of kidnapping Antiochian Greek Archbishop of Aleppo

In a recently released video on YouTube, the Grand Sunni Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun named the Turkish government, as the guilty party behind the kidnapping of both the Greek and Syriac Orthodox Archbishops of Aleppo. As per the Grand Mufti, Turkey’s motive seems to be connected to the issue of confiscated Christian properties, […]


The Greek and Jewish People — A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

By ANDY MANATOS Each time the Golden Dawn Party makes the news; anti-Semitism among some Greeks is re-exposed. In combating this problem, it is important that all of our people know about Jewish actions that may have saved thousands of Greek and Cypriot lives and maintained Greece’s territorial integrity. I refer to the Jewish community’s […]


To His Excellency the Vice President of the USA, Mr. Joseph Biden

By George K. Papadopoulos* Dear Mr. Vice President, Please allow me, a humble person, a citizen of the Republic of Cyprus living abroad and a Fulbright scholar that has been following your career for decades, to welcome you to the much troubled Cyprus. I need not remind you of the events of the past 40 […]


Strategic Issues Regarding the Visit to Cyprus of Joe Biden

By Dr Aris Petasis Whenever countries concern themselves with the affairs of other countries they do so to promote their own interests first and foremost. This is a fundamental tenet of international politics and applies to all countries: USA, China, Russia, France, etc. This truism raises the question: «should Cypriots celebrate the arrival of the […]
