
We do not invite any economic migrant to Greece, government spokesman Petsas says

“We do not invite any economic migrant to come to the country” stated government spokesman Stelios Petsas adding that those that will ‘invest’ money to come to Greece by traffickers will lose their money because they will be sent back.


Greek fighter jets take part in last phase of military exercise in Cyprus: Message to Turkey

Greek F-16 jets took part on Thursday in an exercise of Cyprus` National Guard. The last phase of the exercise,


Vice President Mike Pence will travel to Ankara, Turkey on behalf of President Donald Trump

On October 16, the Vice President will lead a delegation including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,


McCaul, Engel Introduce Bill to Sanction Turkey, Impose Other Swift Consequences for Syrian Assault

Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul (R-TX) and


Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias: We will not let the Turks play games at our expense

“We will not let the Turks play games at our expense,” said Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias in an interview on Wednesday, talking to “Proto Thema” radio.


Mike Pompeo in Athens: We have told the Turks that illegal drilling is unacceptable

The US will offer clear and undisputable guarantees to support Greece regarding the Turkish aggressive


FM Dendias in Berlin: ‘Turkey’s posturing in eastern Mediterranean fraught with danger’

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said that Turkey’s “dangerous” maneuvering in the eastern Mediterranean is a “blatant violation” of international law, in joint statements with his German counterpart, Haiko Maas, after their Monday Berlin meeting.


US demands that Turkey should cease all activity in Cyprus waters: Remove drilling vessels

The US State Department has called on the Turkish authorities to remove its drilling vessels from the


Η στενή και “ανάρμοστη” σχέση του Τραμπ με τον Ερντογάν: Το …βιολί και οι χαμένες κυρώσεις

Του ΜΙΧΑΛΗ ΙΓΝΑΤΙΟΥ Ένα κείμενο του πολύ σημαντικού αναλυτή Στίβεν Κουκ στο περιοδικό Foreign Policy, προκάλεσε


What 45 years after the invasion means to young Diaspora Cypriots: We will never forget 1974

By Christos Tuton It is now 45 years since the invading Turkish army landed illegally in Cyprus by boat and
