
Chancellor Merkel about Turkey: Unacceptable to use refugees for political purposes

The events that took place at the borders of Greece and Turkey in Evros earlier in the year,


Before the “Law of the Sword” of the Neo-Sultan in Turkey: Crimes of Ethnic Cleansing

By COSTAS MAYRIDES* In modern neo-Ottoman Turkey, there is a hysteria for new conquests, while disrespecting


The Status of the Hagia Sophia: This is the position of the Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo

Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State The Government of Turkey has administered the Hagia Sophia as a museum – officially


President Sakellaropoulou sends message of national confidence and pride from Agathonissi

“Greece is historically seeking to have good neighbourly relations and cooperation with Turkey


State Department: We call on Turkey to maintain Hagia Sophia as a UNESCO World Heritage site

“The Hagia Sophia holds enormous spiritual and cultural significance to billions


Senator Menendez urges Secretary Pompeo to impose sanctions on Turkey regarding S-400

Washington.- By Apostolos Zoupaniotis/CNA In an extensive letter to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, ranking member


Menendez: Bolton Book Raises New Questions about Pompeo’s Role in President’s Subversion of U.S. Foreign Policy

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign


Greece won’t start a dialogue with Turkey through blackmail, Panagiotopoulos says

Greece is not going to start a dialogue with Turkey if it does not change


Dendias: Turkey’s aggressive behaviour brings it against the European Union

“Turkey insists on provoking, questioning in words and actions , the territorial integrity and


State Department: The US supports the preservation of Hagia Sophia’s multicultural character

The United States continues to support the preservation of Hagia Sophia’s multicultural character,
