labour market

Privatisations boosted Greek GDP by 1.0 billion euros annually in 2011-2019, IOBE reports

Privatisations boosted the country’s GDP by around 1.0 billion euros annually, on average, in the period 2011-2019, while the average impact


Europe must reject deregulation and choose to upgrade the social rights, Achtsioglou says

Europe should reject the social protection and labour


The labour market and increasing the minimum wage will be our priorities, Tsipras tells cabinet

The priority for the government will be to regulate the labour market and increase the minimum wage, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Friday, addressing the new cabinet formed after the recent government reshuffle.


Chouliarakis says government wants to close 2nd review as soon as possible; even before Christmas

BRUSSELS (M. Aroni) – The Greek government wants to conclude the second program review as soon as possible, hopefully even before Christmas, in order to achieve a staff-level agreement, Alternate Finance Minister Giorgos Chouliarakis said on Tuesday, speaking at the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs in Brussels.
