Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis: ‘I strongly condemn horrific terrorist attack against Israel’

“I strongly condemn today’s horrific terrorist attack against Israel, which caused a large number


PM Mitsotakis: EU should raise Solidarity Fund by 2.5 bln to cover natural disasters

The Western Balkans’ European integration prospects “is an issue we


PM Mitsotakis on weekly review: Restoring flood damage, maintaining the Olympic Stadium

Measures to support flood-stricken areas in Greece, fight food price inflation,


PM Mitsotakis briefed on the upcoming adverse weather conditions expected within hours

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis joined a meeting via teleconference


PM Mitsotakis to Bloomberg: Greece is a pillar of energy stability & security in the broader region

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis was interviewed on Bloomberg


PM Mitsotakis to address the UN General Assembly

The latest developments in Ukraine and the continued support


PM briefed on flood response in online meeting with Thessaly Operations’ Coordination Centre

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis again chaired a meeting


Greece could mobilise up to 2.25 billion euros in aid for floods and fires, von der Leyen says

The European Commission is ready to stand by Greece as it struggles


PM Mitsotakis visits Dadia Forest, promises changes in fire prevention organisation

“Clearly many things must change and they will change in the
