
ND leader says the government is punishing those who work

Main opposition leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis criticized the government for crushing the self-employed those who have just entered the workforce and the pensioners with its policies, after a meeting with the president of the Athens Bar Association Vasilis Alexandris on Friday.


German state to sign declaration to train Greek officials against tax evasion

The Finance Minister of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Norbert Walter-Borjans, will sign with the Greek government a Joint Declaration of Intent which will foresee the training of officials from the country’s financial crime unit at the state’s training centers, the minister told Deutsche Welle on Friday, ahead of his visit to Athens on Saturday.


Eurogroup: Lot of work has been done, Greece must send plan for pension system reforms

Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem and European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said on Thursday the institutions are waiting for Greece to submit specific fiscal proposals for reforming Greece’s social security system.


Labor minister says Athens will not negotiate some parts of reform proposals

Greece is not prepared to compromise with lenders on some key aspects of its pension reform plan, which the government expects to be voted through Parliament with the full support of all the coalition MPs and perhaps some opposition lawmakers, Labor Minister Giorgos Katrougalos told Kathimerini.


Tsipras: The government will not succumb to unreasonable demands

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Sunday in an interview with Real News newspaper sent the message to Greece’s creditors that the government will not succumb to unreasonable demands.


In the negotiations there will be victories and defeats, Tsakalotos says

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos on Sunday in an interview with Kathimerini expressed optimism that the government will overcome the obstacle of the negotiations with the creditors.


President says Greece must return to growth while staying in euro, in New Year message

In a New Year message to all Greeks on Thursday, President of the Hellenic Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos said that Greece must leave behind it the nightmare of social and economic crisis, returning to the path of hope, optimism, growth and progress while remaining in the Eurozone.


Spokeswoman Gerovassili reacts to Schaeuble’s comments

“Someone must remind (German Finance Minister Wolfgang) Schaeuble that Greece is giving a huge battle of humanism at the EU borders, even in conditions of economic and social crisis after five years of continuous austerity,” government spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili said on Monday.


Up to the Greek gov’t, parliament to create conditions for investments, growth, says Paulson

It is up to the government and the parliament to form consensus on major issues and create the appropriate conditions that will unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of the Greeks, that will attract investment and increase employment, American hedge-fund manager John Paulson told a Greek paper Vima in an interview published on Sunday.


Greek economy to receive more then 8 bln euros in EU and private funds, says minister

More than 8 billion euros will be funneled into the Greek market in 2016 through the Public Investments Program (PIP) and international organizations such as the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and more, Deputy Minister for NSRF Issues Alexis Charitsis said in an interview with a Greek newspaper published […]
