
Schaeuble says Greece has ignored for years rules on asylum seekers

BERLIN (ANA-MPA/ F. Karaviti) – German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble told a German paper that Greece has ignored for years the rules of the Dublin Regulation which oblige migrants to file for asylum in the first country of the European Union they arrive in.


Egypt and Greece: Cooperation for security and future prosperity*

By Mohammed Kamal, Professor at the University of Cairo, Egypt, and Ilias Kouskouvelis, Professor at the University of Macedonia, Greece


Thanks to the Nobel Laureates and Scholarsbut they must insist on specific measures

By a concerned Greek citizen The letter of the 15 Nobel laureates and other distinguished professors regarding the horrible plight of Greece (now in its seventh year without any signs of upturn) is very touching, for in many ways they go to the heart of the matter, by fixing the blame “on mechanisms creating the […]


Greek government maintains its red lines, Tsakalotos tells El Mundo

The agreement achieved between Greece and its creditors will allow eventually the implementation of the governance model that Athens seeks, Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos said in an interview with Spanish newspaper El Mundo on Wednesday, adding that he and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras maintain their red lines in protecting the weak classes and the unemployed.


804,465 people have entered Greece from start of 2015

The Greek Coast Guard said on Thursday that a whopping 804,465 people have entered Greece from the beginning of the year until Dec. 21, showing the massive scale of the challenge facing the country.


Tsipras to ministers: Delays can’t be excused

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras asks for the acceleration of the government’s work, speaking on Wednesday to the Cabinet meeting, the last for 2015, and noted that “delays can’t be excused”.


Fifteen Nobel laureates sign petition urging EU, US to help Greece recover

Fifteen Nobel laureates have co-signed a petition urging European authorities as well as the United States to help Greece recover from the financial crisis and return to growth, in an activity initiated by Dr. Harald zur Hausen, who won the Nobel in Physiology or Medicine in 2008. 


Greece can help bring Israel, Palestine closer, says Abbas

Greece can play a constructive mediatory role in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the latter’s president, Mahmoud Abbas, said following talks with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Athens on Monday.


Tsipras attempts to shift focus

Following the government’s embarrassment at having to temporarily shelve the so-called “parallel program” on Thursday, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tried on Saturday to switch the emphasis to the election pledges that the coalition is able to live up to.


EU Commission stresses the need to create hotspots on islands within the agreed framework

The EU Commission on Tuesday stressed the need to create hotspots on islands within the agreed framework.
