Anastasiades, Sakellaropoulou reaffirm single and solid diplomatic front at their meeting in Nicosia

“Your visit coincides with a period of crisis, which is the result of Turkish aggressiveness, of the


Josep Borrell: EU stands in full solidarity with Greece and Cyprus

The European Union stands in full solidarity with Greece and Cyprus with respect to Turkey, EU


EU Commission spokesperson: The timetables and the measures for Turkey are clear

BRUSSELS (ANA/ E. Zarkadoula) — European Commission spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Peter Stano


Dendias: Sanctions against Turkey a success for the European family

The European Union’s decision to examine the imposition of sanctions against Turkey is a success


Support for Greece as EU gives Turkey a month to de-escalate tension

Responsibility for the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean is increasingly seen to fall on Turkey


Kikilias: Greece to receive three million doses of the vaccine; first shipment in December

“If everything goes all right, Greece will receive in seven partial shipments its share from the


Mitsotakis: Turkey’s behaviour on the issue of Hagia Sophia ‘directed against Europe’

During joint statements with the President of the Cyprus Republic Nicos Anastasiades, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Tuesday said


Sakellaropoulou: Greece will continue to stand firmly by Cyprus’ side

President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou on Tuesday met her Cyprus counterpart Nicos Anastasiades at the Presidential


Nikos Dendias and Josep Borrell visit the border post at Kastanies, Evros

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias and visiting High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs


Prime Minister Mitsotakis welcomes reforms in Eastern Partnership states, at e-meeting with EU leaders

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that strengthening cooperation in economy,
