Xylokastro fire may have been caused by bee smoking, arson investigation shows

FILE PHOTO: The fire started on Sunday and killed two people, as well as causing extensive destruction, as it burned for three days nonstop and only started to subside on Wednesday. ΑΝΑ – MPA/EVANGELOS BOUGIOTIS

Initial evidence shows that the fire in Rozena, Xylokastro was started by a beekeeper smoking honeybees, the Crimes of Arson Directorate announced on Wednesday.

The fire started on Sunday and killed two people, as well as causing extensive destruction, as it burned for three days nonstop and only started to subside on Wednesday.

A Greek man was fined for carrying out ‘hot work’ on September 29 in Rozena, around the time when the fire started and on a day when there was a category four fire risk.

The authorities are collecting evidence to forward to judicial authorities, so that criminal proceedings may begin regarding the start of the fire.

Source: ANA – MPA

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