The largest delegation of US universities in Athens early November: Νew collaborations with Greek public universities

FILE PHOTO: Ιn the near future students, researchers and professors from Greek universities will be able to interact with their colleagues from, among others, Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, Johns Hopkins universities and conduct joint researches, exchange knowhow or receive double or joint degrees. photo via amna_news

The largest delegation of US universities is expected to arrive in Athens early November in order to make new collaborations with the Greek public universities and to make official the existing ones. A visit that has been characterised from both sides ‘a landmark for the two countries’ cooperation with the deepening of the US-Greek relations and in the field of education.

Specifically, over 70 rectors, deans and professors are expected to arrive in Athens representing 30 universities from USA.

“It is a really historic visit, it will be the largest delegation of US universities to another country and this is very important, said the cultural attaché of the US Embassy to Greece Shanna Dietz Surendra to Athens-Macedonian News Agency. She also underlined the fact that it is going to be a cooperation with all the Greek public universities which means that the range of those that can be benefited from the relations between the two countries’ institutions becomes wider.

In practice, this visit means that in the near future students, researchers and professors from Greek universities will be able to interact with their colleagues from, among others, Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, Johns Hopkins universities and conduct joint researches, exchange knowhow or receive double or joint degrees.

Source: ANA – MPA

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