Androulakis: Tsipras is the crutch of the Mitsotakis’ government

FILE PHOTO: Ο Πρόεδρος του ΠΑΣΟΚ-ΚΙΝΑΛ Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης ΑΝΑ – ΜPA, PASOK-KINAL, STR

Opposition PASOK-KINAL leader Nikos Androulakis criticised the government for its energy policy in an interview with Radio Thessaloniki on Monday, insisting on the need for a ceiling to the re-adjustment clause in the electricity retail price.

“Mitsotakis and Tsipras want a ceiling to the wholesale rates and this means a decision by Brussels. Conversely, I ask for a ceiling on the retail price, which is a measure in the European Commission’s toolbox, and means a government decision tomorrow morning,” Androulakis said.
On the issue of post-electoral cooperation between parties, he underlined:

“The crutch of the Mitsotakis government is Tsipras as the Greeks give ruling New Democracy’s mistakes an alibi because they are afraid of SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras’ return as prime minister”.


Source: ANA – MPA


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