Bookshops, hairdressers, barber shops and KTEOs reopen after lockdown

Hairdressers and barber shops have the same limit on the number of customers allowed at a time, while they must only serve customers by appointment. ANA-MPA/ ANA – MPA/ EVAGELLOS BOUGIOTIS

Bookshops, hairdressers, barber shops and vehicle safety testing centres (KTEO) reopened their doors to customers on Monday, with the option to work extended hours (7:00 to 21:00) and strict health safety rules in place.

The bookshops will be the only retail sector permitted to admit customers onto the premises, with up to four people allowed in shops up to 100 square metre and one additional person for every 15 square metres above that. They will also have the option of opening on Sunday, December 20 and Sunday, December 27.

Hairdressers and barber shops have the same limit on the number of customers allowed at a time, while they must only serve customers by appointment, which must be recorded and available for inspection at the start of each day. They must have a distance of at least two metres between work stations, while they will also be allowed to work on the Sundays before and after Christmas Day.

For KTEOs, customers must book appointments in advance, with a list of the day’s appointments drawn up at the start of each day to show during inspections, while the maximum number of people allowed to wait at any given time is up to nine.

Source: ANA – MPA

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