Visegrad Group (Visegrad-4) and the Balkan EU member states (Balkan-4) meet Friday in Athens

The 2nd Ministerial Meeting of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland) and the Balkan EU member states (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia) will take place on Friday in Sounion.

Western Balkan EU candidate countries, as well as Slovenia and Cyprus, are also invited to participate in the meeting as observers.

The discussions will be enriched by the participation of distinguished academics and parliamentary representatives, and will focus of the Future of Europe, Enlargement and Energy.
Following the proceedings, at about 18:30, Grreece’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Kotzias, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU, Ekaterina Zaharieva, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, the rotating Presidency of the Visegrad group, Peter Szijj?rt?, will hold a joint press conference.

Source: ANA-MPA

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