Farmers from Central Macedonia disappointed after meeting with gov’t officials

Farmers from Central Macedonia said they were very disappointed by their meeting with government ministers on Wednesday, during which they discussed their grievances concerning the increased taxation and social security contributions imposed by the government.

“We raised specific issues and they answered us as if they were talking to party members of the opposition,” the member of the coordinating committee for Central Macedonia, Achileas Kambouris, told the Athens-Macedonian News Agency, after  meeting with government Vice-President Yannis Dragasakis and officials from the ministries of finance, labour, energy and agricultural development.

“Concerning farmers’ social security and taxation, from the beginning of the conversation they told us the Greek government cannot do anything because there is no money, while on the other issues we raised, we either received promises, or they replied generally and vaguely,” he added.

Commenting on the same meeting, Mavroudis Mintsioudis, member of the coordinating committee for Central Macedonia, said taxation and social security issues “were not even touched upon” as government officials told them there cannot be any changes “as the country has bailout commitments”.

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