Majority of Greeks say EU is ‘moving in the wrong direction,’ poll shows

Greeks are conflicted about the benefits of European Union membership and a very substantial majority is unhappy with direction the EU is going, according to the results of a nationwide survey released by Palmos Analysis on Sunday. The survey was commissioned by ruling SYRIZA’s group in the European Parliament.

A whopping 84 pct of Greeks consider that the EU is “moving in the wrong direction” but opinions are evenly split on whether the country’s EU membership is positive (44 pct) or negative (45 pct). At the same time, six in 10 favour membership of the Eurozone.

Most Greeks cannot recall any reference to the European Parliament in the media they generally follow during the past month, while seven in 10 consider that they are not adequately informed about the activities of the EuroParliament. By contrast, four in 10 say they are not adequately informed about the activities of the Greek Parliament.

Greek citizens want the EU to have greater powers on a series of issues, with percentages ranging from 47 pct (for control of state budgets) up to 86 pct (on the refugee crisis). Asked about the measures for Greece’s public debt decided at the last Eurogroup, one in three considers them ‘positive but not adequate’ and four in 10 considers them bad. Roughly half of Greeks want the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the Greek programme, either as a creditor or as a technical advisor.

Only one in four Greeks considers that the country’s MEPs adequately represent the country in the EuroParliament, while two in four disagree. At the same time, most individual MEPs have a net positive balance of positive versus negative opinions.

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