The U.S., China, and the Real “Thucydides’ Trap”: A Distorted Compass

By ILIAS KOUSKOUVELIS Predicting the future is a very hazardous exercise in the social sciences field. Yet, often, academics, under the pressure of the moment, wander into uncharted waters. Their navigation then depends on their theoretical compass. The discussion about the possibility of a conflict between a leading world power and a rising one, presently […]


FM Kotzias briefs the press on US relations, upcoming meetings

Greece did not enter negotiations with the United States over the Souda military base on Crete or the possibility of storing nuclear weapons in Greece during Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ recent visit to the US, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said during a press briefing on Thursday.


A Successful Visit: I look forward to finding ways to make Greece stronger…

Op-Ed by U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt For Ta Nea Savvatokiriako, October 20, 2017 Throughout this past week as I traveled from Chicago, attending a series of substantive discussions with lawmakers, business leaders, and representatives of the diaspora, and then to Washington, where our leaders had the chance to sit down in several different formats, I […]


President Trump says U.S. supports ‘responsible debt relief’ for Greece

U.S. President Donald Trump said his country supports “responsible debt relief” for Greece to assist in its economic recovery, during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in the White House Rose Garden on Tuesday.


US support in investments, debt relief the benefits of PM’s trip to Washington, gov’t spokesman says

The US support to the Greek effort to reduce debt and strengthen bilateral relations aimed at the development of the Greek economy were the most important benefits of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ meeting with US President Donald Trump, government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said in an interview with Real FM.


Greek Alternate Defence Minister Dimitris Vitsas invites US to invest in Greece

Alternate Defence Minister Dimitris Vitsas met on Tuesday in Washington, DC with Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Katie Wheelbarger and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Policy Thomas Goffus.


Nonproliferation shortcomings: The on-going North Korean nuclear crisis

Pantelis Ikonomou, former International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear safeguards inspector, writes: The on-going North Korean nuclear crisis, in addition to the previous nuclear crises with Iraq and Iran, demonstrates that we lack a coherent, peaceful approach to respond decisively to major nuclear proliferation threats.


Opposites Attract: May and Tsipras ideal Trump allies in Europe

By Vassilis Kopsacheilis* Donald Trump’s anti-systemic rhetoric and his focus upon America’s domestic economic problems combined with promises for a protectionist foreign and economic policy agenda in order to bring back jobs in the country, led him to the White House.


UN brokered Plans for Cyprus Problem: An International Effort to Legalize War Crimes

By C. T. Sofocleous, MD, PhD Refugee from Kythrea, Cyprus I am a Greek Cypriot refugee from Kythrea, Cyprus, a victim of Turkish invasion and occupation of northern Cyprus since July 1974. I have been closely following developments in the Cyprus problem and I am extremely disappointed that despite the rejection of the Anan plan […]


Biden encourages Cyprus leaders to continue negotiations for settlement

US Vice President Joe Biden has encouraged the leaders of the two communities in Cyprus, namely President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci, to continue negotiations for a Cyprus settlement.
