
An Annan Plan for Turkey’s Kurds

By Marcus Templar Greek Cypriots, the majority population on the Island of Cyprus, overwhelmingly rejected a plan for reunification with the island’s small Turkish minority developed by United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan in a referendum on April 24, 2004.  The majority Greeks regarded the solution offered by Annan as impractical and unfair, while the […]


Behind Turkey’s Roaring

By Marcus A. Templar Turkey’s refusal to submit flight plans for its military airplanes is consistent with its doctrine of preemptive strike when the time is ripe. Turkey’s doctrine developed from the fact that not only it went unpunished for a number of rogue actions that it perpetrated against Greek interests especially after it joined […]


ANCA: Erdogan Statement is Denial Repackaged

Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) executive director Aram Hamparian said the following about Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s statement on the “events of 1915”: “Increasingly isolated internationally, Ankara is repackaging its genocide denials.” “Prime Minister Erdogan, in his statement today, attempts, in vain, to escape responsibility for the Armenian Genocide, by somehow downgrading this still […]


What does Erdogan’s AKP election victory say about Turkish society?

By Ariel Ben Solomon – The Jerusalem Post The Turkish people gave Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AK Party a victory in local elections on Sunday, throwing their support behind a man who has increasingly become dictatorial. Erdogan has clamped down on the press and the Internet, and weeded out his opponents in the police and the […]


The Current Negotiations are not about the Interest of Greek and Turkish Cypriots

By Aris Petasis The current negotiations on the Cyprus problem were initiated by three foreign governments for their own benefit and not out of concern for the democratic rights of the people of Cyprus (Greek and Turkish Cypriots–G/T-C)  Negotiations were kick-started by the British and the Americans, with help from Turkey, (the three are referred […]


No Hegemonic Peace in Cyprus

By Marios L. Evriviades Almost forty years to the date, the Turks finally figured out that they had invaded the wrong geographic region of Cyprus. Cyprus’s power wealth, its hydrocarbons, have been found to be located in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off its  southern shores and not in its northern ones, where the NATO-trained […]


693 σελίδες με έγγραφα του Στέιτ Ντιπάρτμεντ για την Κύπρο, την Ελλάδα και την Τουρκία (στα αγγλικά)

The Department of State released today Foreign Relations, 1977–1980, Volume XXI, Cyprus; Turkey; Greece.  This volume is part of a Foreign Relations subseries that documents the most important foreign policy issues of the Jimmy Carter administration.  The focus of this volume is on U.S. policy towards the Eastern Mediterranean region.


Turkish courts release eight journalists in two days

New York, March 27, 2014—The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the release this week of at least eight imprisoned journalists in Turkey, but calls on Turkish authorities to scrap the charges against them and release all of the journalists jailed in the country.


When the rule of law isn’t: Turkey at the crossroads

By Geoffrey King – CPJ Internet Advocacy Coordinator In less than a week, Turkish voters will cast their ballots in local elections widely seen as a test of support for embattled Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has faced growing questions about official corruption since a high-level probe first became public in December. Although many […]


CPJ condemns Twitter ban in Turkey

New York, March 21, 2014—Turkey banned access to the social media platform Twitter on Friday, hours after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan threatened in a public speech to shut it down, according to news reports. The move comes just ahead of March 30 elections and follows Erdoğan’s threats to ban Facebook and YouTube.
