
Turkey accepts the return of economic migrants

Turkey has agreed to accept the return of economic migrants, EU sources on Friday said in exclusive statements to ANA-MPA.


From TMT to ISIS: Turkey conducts politics with the same old field manuals

By Lambros George Kaoullas Introduction Whether by shelling Kurdish fighters in Syria or downing a Russian fighter jet, Turkey undeniably seems more willing to protect and sustain ISIS rather than confront it. This shouldn’t come as a surprise because Turkey has been conducting politics with the same old field manuals for decades. Proxy warfare to […]


President Pavlopoulos and PM Tsipras express condolences to Turkish counterparts

On behalf of the President of the Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos, the secretary general of the Presidency Ambassador George Gennimatas had a contact late on Wednesday with the Turkish Ambassador to Greece and asked him to convey, on behalf of the Greek people, to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan his unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist attack in […]


Turkish police arrest journalist

Istanbul, February 16, 2016 — Turkish authorities should immediately release Feyyaz İmrak, a correspondent for the pro-Kurdish Dicle News Agency (DİHA), the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.


Migration minister slams EU for delaying relocation at Lesvos refugee conference

Alternate Minister for Migration Policy Yiannis Mouzalas criticized the stance of the European Union on Saturday saying that relocation is increasingly ignored and Greece is being made into a ‘scapegoat’ for the slow progress made in managing the refugee flows.


Tsipras: ‘Open fronts will soon close and Greece will turn a page’

Greece will soon overcome its three most pressing problems – the first review of its economic program, the refugee crisis and the debt issue – and will turn a new page, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told Avghi newspaper in an interview published on Sunday.


Tsipras briefed by Merkel over her recent visit to Turkey

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday spoke by phone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in order to be briefed over her recent visit to Turkey, government spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili told reporters.


Turkish journalist arrested for posts on social media

Istanbul, February 8, 2016–Turkish authorities should immediately release Hayri Tunç, a reporter for the independent news website Jiyan, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.


‘Improved state of trust’ in Greek-Turkish relations, Kotzias tells ANA-MPA

Greece and Turkey are engaged in sincere dialogue “and I think that the state of trust is better than it was a year ago,” Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said in an interview with the ANA-MPA released on Thursday.


US: Serious concerns over Turkey’s commitment to democracy

The United States has declared it is concerned about Turkey’s commitment to democracy, after recent charges against two critical journalists raised serious concerns over the country’s commitment to democracy and freedom of expression, and urged the Turkish government to ensure that everyone in the country is free to speak.
