
Erdogan cancels bilateral meetings with Pavlopoulos and other leaders after BSEC

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan didn’t participate in the official luncheon with foreign leaders held at Dolmabahce on Monday afternoon, following the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) summit meeting in Istanbul. Instead, the country was represented by Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. As a result, all bilateral meetings between President Prokopis […]


Greece is Turkey’s door towards the West, says President Prokopios Pavlopoulos

Turkey’s path towards the West is through Greece, President Prokopis Pavlopoulos said on Monday, speaking to Turkey’s Greek community at an event held in Sismanoglio Mansion in Istanbul.


Turkey after the referendum: The behavior of Erdogan at home and abroad is not going to change

By Ilias Kouskouvelis It was certainly interesting to follow the referendum procedures in Turkey, even though no one had doubts about its outcome.  The “yes” vote has by all means prevailed..! And even if it had not, most likely the referendum would have been repeated…


Greece should re-examine relations with Turkey, ND’s Koumoutsakos tells ANA

“It is urgent and of strategic importance to re-examine and redefine the framework for the management and course of Greek-Turkish relations,” main opposition New Democracy ‘shadow minister’ for foreign affairs George Koumoutsakos commented in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) published on Sunday.


Defence minister: Let Turks step on a Greek island; we’ll see if they leave from there

Defence Minister Panos Kammenos on Sunday responded strongly to comments by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in the Turkish press on Friday about the islets of Imia, saying “there’s no way they [Turks] will set their foot” on a Greek island.


Greek Supreme Court refuses extradition for eight Turkish servicemen that fled to Greece

The eight Turkish military servicemen that fled to Greece after the July coup are to be released and not extradited to Turkey, the Greek Supreme Court ruled on Thursday.


UN documents clearly show that Greek side was not to blame in Geneva, Greek website asserts

UN documents show that the UN Secretary General’s special adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide was the one who proposed a trilateral format for the Geneva meetings on Cyprus, not Greece’s Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, according to an article posted by journalist Michail Ignatiou on his website http://mignatiou.com/ on Sunday.


Kotzias: ‘The geopolitical interests of a third country cannot be a criterion for a solution’

“Cyprus must evolve into a bizonal, bicommunal federation with full sovereignty as a member of the EU and the UN. The geopolitical interests of a third country cannot be a criterion for a solution to the Cyprus issue,” Greece’s Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said in an interview published in the newspaper “Real News” on Sunday.


FM Kotzias denies press reports blaming him for breakup of Cyprus talks

Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias sharply criticised foreign and Greek press reports on Sunday which blamed him for the breakup in Cyprus talks in Geneva saying that the Turkish side had interrupted the talks unexpectedly.


UN brokered Plans for Cyprus Problem: An International Effort to Legalize War Crimes

By C. T. Sofocleous, MD, PhD Refugee from Kythrea, Cyprus I am a Greek Cypriot refugee from Kythrea, Cyprus, a victim of Turkish invasion and occupation of northern Cyprus since July 1974. I have been closely following developments in the Cyprus problem and I am extremely disappointed that despite the rejection of the Anan plan […]
