Paul Sarbanes

How Senator Robert Menendez Changes the U.S.-Turkish relations: He protects the reputation of the U.S. President

By ALEXANDER DRIVAS, Strategic Analyst Robert Menendez is the leading posture in the U.S. Congress. Paul Sarbanes would be


Προσωπική μαρτυρία για τον Πολ Σαρμπάνη: Η αιχμή του δόρατος, μαζί με τον Μπραδήμα, εναντίον του Κίσινγκερ

Του ΜΑΡΙΟΥ ΕΥΡΥΒΙΑΔΗ Στις 6 Δεκεμβρίου έφυγε ο διακεκριμένος Αμερικανός νομοθέτης ελληνικής καταγωγής Paul


In Memoriam: Senator Paul S. Sarbanes was the voice of Greece, Cyprus, the Ecumenical Patriarchate and Hellenism

By Philip Christopher, Andy Manatos and Mike Manatos We mourn the recent passing of our dear friend and fellow justice-for-Cyprus advocate


The Brilliance, Integrity and Humanity Of US Senator Paul Sarbanes: A Great American and Hellene

By Andy Manatos and Mike Manatos* US Senator Paul Sarbanes, who passed away at the age of 87 on December 6, is a major
