New Democracy

New Democracy accuses FM Kotzias of delayed response to Imia incident

Main opposition New Democracy (ND), in a statement on Friday, said that it took Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias 15 hours to react to “the piratical action against a Greek ship, within Greek territorial waters, at the islets of Imia.”


Gov’t policy allowed Turkey to escalate its provocation, Mitsotakis says about Imia incident

New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed deep concern over the incident near the Imia islets, while addressing his party’s parliamentary group on Thursday.


Novartis case ‘a conspiracy’ targeting political rivals, said ND spokeswoman

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) spokeswoman Maria Spyraki on Friday said that her party demands that ample light be shed on the Novartis case and sternly accused the government of conspiring and attempting to sully the reputation of its political rivals.


The citizens expressed their agony, the lack of confidence to government, says ND leader Mitsotakis

“New Democracy and I personally defended the right of the citizens to protest freely, peacefully and democratically, as provided in the Constitution,” main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said.


ND shadow FM Koumoutsakos on Tsipras-Zaev statements in Davos

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) shadow foreign minister George Koumoutsakos on Thursday made the following three points regarding the joint statements made by Greek Prime Minster Alexis Tsipras and his FYROM couterpart Zoran Zaev in Davos on Wednesday:


Gov’t handling of FYROM name issue ‘irresponsible’, says ND spokeswoman

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) spokeswoman Maria Spyraki sternly attacked the government on its handling of the FYROM name issue during a press briefing on Thursday, saying it was handling a crucial issue on terms of domestic political confrontation.


New Democracy spokesperson Maria Spyraki accuses Tsipras of ‘audacity’

Main opposition New Democracy (ND) spokesperson Maria Spyraki on Monday accused Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of “audacity”.


If SYRIZA, ANEL do not agree on FYROM issue, there is no government for us, ND spokesperson says

“If there is no confidence in the two parliamentary groups (SYRIZA, ANEL) for a single position on the FYROM issue, there is no government for us,” main opposition New Democracy (ND) spokesperson Maria Spyraki said on Saturday in an interview with ‘Eleftheria tou Typou’ newspaper.


New Democracy, Potami criticise government for new Rouvikonas incident in ministry of Defence

The storming of the ministry of Defence by the self-proclaimed anarchist group Rouvikonas is a humiliation for the government New Democracy said on Friday, responding to news that the group marched in and threw leaflets expressing support for the Palestinians.


Mitsotakis insists on shipping minister’s resignation during stormy parliament session

Main opposition New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis once again demanded the resignation of Shipping Minister Panagiotis Kouroumblis on Wednesday, during a heated altercation in parliament regarding the sunken tanker “Agia Zoni II” and the resulting oil spill.
