
A simple proposal to save lives: joint patrols on the Turkish coast

By Ilias Kouskouvelis* In recent months, the overwhelming majority of Greek citizens, despite their economic difficulties, have clearly demonstrated their solidarity to refugees. I have the feeling that everyone, authorities and citizens, have tried their best to give these people the treatment they deserve. At the top of the authorities’ goals was to protect human […]


Kotzias says Greeks have been supportive of refugees

Greek society has been supportive towards refugees despite the hardships they face but the country cannot pay the price of other people’s choices in the region, Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias said during a speech at the 12th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Luxembourg on Friday.


Kerry’s visit to Greece and Cyprus postponed

US Secretary of State John Kerry`s visit to Cyprus and Greece, scheduled to take place on November 12-14, has been postponed due to developments in Syria.


‘We were taken by surprise’, Tsipras on refugee crisis;

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Friday told participants at a high-level meeting convened on the refugees issue on that “we are facing a problem beyond our powers.”


Analyzing the Political Landscape in Greece and the EU

Robert Ladrech, Professor of European Politics at Keel University, in his recent policy brief for the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), titled “Greece and Europe: Analyzing the current and political landscape”, talks about the interlinked economic and political challenges Greece and the EU face today.


Dijsselbloem: Greece should comply with the terms to get the next tranche

Dutch Finance Minister and Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem reiterated  Netherlands’ position on the disbursement of the next tranche to Greece in a briefing letter to Dutch lawmakers.


Moscovici: The review of Greece’s economy comes before talk of debt

EU Economics and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Pierre Moscovici met with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on his two-day visit to Athens on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Dispatches: On Board a Rescue Boat in the Aegean Sea

By Eva Cossé “My life was very hard. I lost my husband by the Taliban. I have six children so I took the decision to leave Afghanistan. Now, I also lost my baby.”


Alexis Tsipras: Greece is the face of Europe’s humanity!

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras responded to a question tabled by main opposition New Democracy MP George Koumoutsakou on Greece’s refugee and migrant policy. ‘I feel ashamed by Europe’s inability to deal effectively with this drama’, PM said.


Research: The Indignant Citizens Movement destabilized PASOK-ND

The anti-austerity movement of Indignant Citizens which started demonstrating in major cities across Greece on 5 May 2010 demanding to abolish the austerity measures and memorandum was the subject of a survey conducted by University of Macedonia and the Panteion University in cooperation with Greek researchers at universities abroad.
