Culture Ministry

Culture Ministry organises series of events on night of August full moon

The Culture Ministry will once again organise events of the night of the August full moon,


Mendoni: Extremely sad and serious the theft and damage in the British Museum

Culture Minister Lina Mendoni on Friday characterised


Culture ministry announces summer hrs for archaeological sites, museums

Summer hours for archaeological sites and museums will kick


Renovated National Gallery to be delivered on March 24

The extension and renovation of the National Gallery


Statue dated to 5th century turned over to Culture Min. by police

A finely made 5th century BC statue was turned over to


Hermes head, part of Herma column revealed during roadworks in downtown Athens

A municipality of Athens crew carrying out roadworks in Aiolou street in downtown Athens οn


Five rare silver coins returned to Greece from Munich and Zurich

Five rare silver coins dating to the 5th and 4th centuries BC were returned to Greece before being


Culture Ministry: Museums, archaeological sites open tonight for August full moon

A series of events will be held in 37 of the 77 museums and archaeological sites throughout


Archaeological sites and museums to celebrate August full moon with series of events

The culture ministry on Wednesday announced a series of events that will be held under the full moon of August in archaeological sites and museums around Greece.


Athens museums, archaeological sites to extend opening hours from Friday, culture ministry says

Archaeological sites, monuments and museums in Athens can
