English Section

Israel’s apology to Turkey was a mistake

By Efraim Inbar The Jerusalem Post Israel’s apology to Turkey for “operational errors” in the Mavi Marmara incident is a diplomatic mistake both in terms of substance and timing. It’s hard to understand or justify Israel’s weekend apology to Turkey. While the use of Israeli force in the Mavi Marmara “flotilla” incident was not very […]


Once again, OXI

By ENDY D. ZEMENIDES The vote to approve the “bailout”/legalized bank robbery terms for Cyprus was scheduled for Sunday, but then postponed to Monday.  Then on Monday, it was postponed to Tuesday.  On March 19, Greek Cypriots threw a wrench into Germany’s plan to treat every southern European economy as a guinea pig during this […]


Cyprus: The geopolitical dimension

By Alexis Papachelas  Cyprus’s entry into the European Union was billed as one of the greatest silent victories of Hellenism. It was the product of a long and organized battle fought by Athens and Nicosia against the objections of the British and others who didn’t want to see Cyprus join the bloc.


EU’s Ashton: Turkish PM’s Remarks are “Unacceptable now and ever”

UN Watch: Erdogan should apologize prior to next week’s racism debate in Alliance of Civilizations chamber GENEVA, March 11, 2013 – UN Watch, the Geneva-based human rights group that was first to expose and criticize the Turkish prime minister’s UN speech calling Zionism a “crime against humanity,” welcomed today’s statement by EU High Representative Catherine […]
