English Section

President Obama Updated on the Plane Crash in San Francisco

Soon after the plane crash in San Francisco, CA, the President was made aware of the incident by Lisa Monaco, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism.  The President will continue to be updated as new information becomes available.  The President expressed his gratitude for the first responders and directed his team to […]


Downer is definitely the wrong man for the job

By Achilleas Antoniades In early 2004 I took up my position as High Commissioner for Cyprus in Australia. I had many opportunities to meet with and speak to Mr. Alexander Downer, the then foreign minister of Australia. I want to recount two occasions that are directly relevant to the present debate about his role in […]


Readout of the President’s Phone Call with Chancellor Merkel of Germany

President Obama spoke by phone today with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, who offered condolences on the tragic deaths of 19 firefighters in Arizona.  The President and the Chancellor discussed the recent reports of surveillance activities allegedly conducted by the U.S. National Security Agency.


AJC Urges Turkish Government to Stop Spreading Conspiracy Theories Against Jews

July 2, 2013 — New York – AJC warned today that continuing accusations by senior Turkish officials claiming that world Jewry is behind the protests against the government are totally baseless and nothing less than blatant calls to incitement.


Learn From Laval and Montreal — Limit Mayoral Terms

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris It is summertime in Montreal and that implies decrepit, broken roads and endless congestion as a result of omnipresent construction crews in the midst of repairing potholes left over by the spring thaw. It is also the time of the world famous Montreal International Jazz Festival but instead of the city revelling […]


Just Like Sisyphus, Greeks Are Forever Pushing That Boulder Up the Hill

By Elena Panaritis* After only one year in power, Greece’s Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is once again in the hot seat and struggling — now more than ever before — to keep his government from crumbling. He has been left with only a three-vote majority in Parliament after the Democratic Left, his smallest of two […]


Readout of President Obama’s Call with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey

President Obama spoke by phone yesterday with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey.  The President and Prime Minister discussed developments in Syria, including the regime’s use of chemical weapons against its own people, our shared commitment to pursuing a political solution, the need to provide additional support to the Syrian Coalition and the Supreme Military Council […]


Cyprus faces organised robbery as EU leaders seek economic and political control

By George Venizelos The Eurogroup’s decision to proceed to a haircut on Cypriot savings accounts has caused mass discontent amongst the people of Cyprus and beyond. The decision of 15th March left the Cypriots shocked, angry, betrayed and swindled, after seeing their own savings sacrificed to save the banking sector.  Over the past two weeks, Cyprus […]


A short message in solidarity with ERT

By George Venizelos The recent developments in relation to the closure of the Greek public broadcast, ERT, have almost ruined whatever the Greek government tried to save the past year regarding its image. The coalition government (three parties; New Democracy, PASOK, Democratic Left) which hardly holds the majority within the parliament – and has just […]


Greek Public Television: Hypocrisy and Truth

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris Abruptly last Tuesday, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras pulled the plug on Greece’s national broadcaster, causing shock and turmoil among its coalition partners. However, the Council of State ruled yesterday that the public airwaves could not be left devoid of a public network, even temporarily, thereby rescinding the decree and reinstating ERT […]
