English Section

Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou: Totality of Punishment is Not Limited to a Prison Sentence

By: Kevin Gosztola Former CIA officer John Kiriakou, who has served five months of a thirty-month sentence in the federal correctional institution in Loretto, Pennsylvania, has written a fourth letter from the prison.


Greece: A Promising Destination

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris Greece, the land of over 3,000 islands, beautiful beaches with clear blue waters and incomparable historic sites attracted a record number of tourists this past winter even as it suffers through the worst of the debt crisis.  The heartening news came in a survey carried out by the Bank of Greece and […]


Eros in a Bottle

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris He sells “eros,” or love, in a bottle and originates from the Greek island of Crete.  His name is Emmanuel Maniadakis and the “Eros” apple ice cider he produces is strictly made with the purest organic products on the outskirts of Montreal where his vast orchards form an impressive sight.


Turkey loses its Egyptian ally

By Hicham Mourad Turkey is very angry about the dismissal of Mohamed Morsi by the Egyptian army. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan refused to recognise the new rulers of Egypt, while his foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, warned against a “domino effect” in the other countries of the Arab Spring (Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen) if the […]


Imprisoned CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Highlights ‘Dealing with the Stress of a Hostile System’

By: Kevin Gosztola The second half of a third letter by former CIA officer John Kiriakou, who is serving a thirty-month sentence in the federal correctional institution in Loretto, Pennsylvania, is being published.


Remarks of Secretary Jacob J. Lew at the Acropolis Museum, in Athens Greece

I would like to thank Prime Minister Samaras for his gracious hospitality in Athens. I also enjoyed meeting with Finance Minister Stournaras. This is my third trip to Europe as Treasury Secretary, and I welcome the opportunity to hear directly from our Greek friends, because Greece has had a tough road to recovery over the […]


Passionate for a Hellenic Identity: The Greeks of Boston

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris They may have been marginalized, frowned upon as being part of an immigrant ghetto and received so suspiciously before World War II that they were often forced to hide their origins but the Greeks of Boston, who emigrated to America early last century in search of a better life, have come a […]


John Kiriakou Writes Open Letter To Edward Snowden, Warns Leaker Against Cooperating With FBI

By: Kevin Gosztola, FireDogLake Former CIA officer John Kiriakou, who is serving a thirty-month sentence in prison in Loretto, Pennsylvania, has written another letter. It expresses support for former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who has exposed secret US government surveillance programs and policies, and provided a glimpse of the ever-expanding massive surveillance apparatus the government […]


The Greek Diaspora: A People Neglected

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris Somewhat after World War I but, predominantly after World War II and the devastating Greek Civil War that ensued, Greece encouraged her children to emigrate, en masse, in quest of a brighter future. Facing a ruined economy, the post-war eras left no other plausible options to the Greeks who fled to Australia, […]


Violence in Egypt – Statement by Secretary Kerry

The United States is deeply troubled by the violence across Egypt.  We strongly condemn any and all incitement to violence or attempts to divide and provoke, rather than unite, all Egyptians. The United States strongly condemns the violence by all parties and urges calm.
