English Section

The Survival of the Hellenic Diaspora: A Current Issue

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris Hellenism in North America is living a reality that is forcing it to increasingly succumb to its melting pot surroundings.  Its distant roots, the cessation of immigration from back home, the mixed marriages and the education systems of the host countries are all contributing to a day-by-day mitigation of the Greek conscience […]


The Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans to Foreign Minister of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu

The Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans (Ec.Fe.Don) is the all world unifying organization of the Greek Community of Istanbul, 98% of which is presently living under expatriate conditions, because of the systematic violations of their human and minority rights, carried out by successive Turkish Governments during the period 1923-2004.


Greece at the Helm of the EU, an Irony in the Making

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris It is ironic that Greece, in the throes of its debt crisis, is preparing to assume the presidency of the European Union officially as of January 8. Paralyzed by drastic wage cuts and savage tax hikes that have destroyed the middle class and suffocated by a massive public debt and a relentless […]


Alexander Downer’s other victim

By Prof. Theodore Kariotis Reading several stories on East Timor, the poorest country in Asia, I learned that it faces a major problem regarding its maritime borders with Australia. Also seeing that Alexander Downer, former Foreign Minister of Australia, fancies himself an expert on matters of the Law of the Sea, I decided to investigate […]


Orthodox Christmas, a Message for Humanity

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris Today the Virgin gives birth to him who is above all being, and the Earth offers a cave to him whom no one can approach. Angels with shepherds give glory and magi journey with a star, for to us there has been born a little Child, God before the ages. Bethlehem has […]


Torture Whisleblower Kiriakou Needs our Help – Help John get out of prison and into a halfway house

John Kiriakou remains the only person from the Bush Administration era to have been incarcerated, or even tried, over issues related to torture. His crime? Blowing the whistle on it.


Let us assume that the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce vision for Turkey is realised

By Dr Aris Petasis* This critique is a follow-up of my article, “The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce sees phantom economic benefits in an undefined solution to the Cyprus problem” (published in English in several international sites and in “Phileleftheros” newspaper in Greek on 03.12.2013.)


2013 Holiday Letter from John Kiriakou

Dear Friends, Happy holidays!  Thank you so much for your ongoing support.  I’m overwhelmed by the kindness you’ve shown me.  More than 2,000 letters from 45 states and 16 foreign countries is more than I could have ever hoped for.  My cup runneth over.


Constantine Cavafy: The Poet of the Diaspora

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris I am from Constantinople by descent but was born in Alexandria in a house on Sheriff Street. I was very young when I left for England where I spent much of my childhood.  I returned to that place  when I was older but only after having lived in France for a spell […]


The Munich agreement of 1938 (unfair to the Czechs and dishonorable for the UK), East Timor and Cyprus

By George K. Papadopoulos It is indeed a considerable shame that prime movers on the international scene dealing with the Cyprus problem, who should know better, totally ignore the lessons of Munich and East Timor.
