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American Jewish Committee: Greek Syriza Party Candidate’s Anti-Semitic Facebook Post

February 5, 2014 — New York — AJC (American Jewish Committee) is appalled by the anti-Semitic statements of a Syriza Party candidate for upcoming elections in Greece.


UANI Calls on Restis, EST, and Sarris to Account for the Iranian Activities of the Bergen Max Cargo Carrier

New York, NY – Today, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) called on Greek businessman Victor Restis, Enterprises Shipping and Trading S.A. (EST), and EST President George Sarris to account for the Iranian activities of the Bergen Max cargo carrier.


Honoring altruism in the Holocaust!

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris This past Monday, on  Holocaust Remembrance Day, a beautiful ceremony took place at Montreal’s City Hall.  During this moving commemoration, the “Righteous Among the Nations” medal and certificate was awarded, posthumously, to Angelo Chalikias, a Greek who saved the life of the Jew, Niso Moustaki, during the Second World War.


Turkey’s economic feet of clay and hybrid political system

By Dr Aris Petasis* This particular article is a continuation of other articles I wrote and in which I support that sound economies rest on democratic government.  It is axiomatic for economic models that operate within faulty political systems to become unstable and to falter.


Bureau of Prisons Considers CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou’s ‘Letters from Loretto’ to Be Dangerous

By: Kevin Gosztola The Bureau of Prisons, with a little assistance from the Central Intelligence Agency, have been engaging in a “ham-handed” attempt to stop former CIA officer John Kiriakou from sending letters from prison, according to a recent letter from prison.


The United States needs to tell Turkey to change course

By Morton Abramowitz, Eric Edelman and Blaise Misztal Whatever his achievements over the past decade, Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is destroying his country’s parlous democracy. That is a profound problem for Turks and Turkey’s Western allies. Staying silent, out of fear that speaking out would harm some short-term interests, risks Turkey’s longer-term stability.


A terrorist on the loose

By Justine Frangouli One of Greece’s most notorious terrorists and member of the armed guerrilla group 17 November, Christodoulos Xiros, disappeared on January 6th while on a holiday prison furlough.  The resulting countrywide manhunt for the fugitive who was serving six life sentences has produced nothing but his car, causing widespread concern in the Samaras […]


The Challenges of Nation-Building in the Syrian Arab Republic

By  Harris Mylonas (POMEPS Briefing) Syria’s ongoing existential conflict is arguably related to its nation-building trajectory starting in the beginning of the twentieth century. What can theories of nation-building and state formation tell us about the origins of conflict as well as future of the Syrian state?


In memory of Alexandros Petersen…

In memory of my friend Alexandros Petersen, slain in the Taliban attack on a Kabul restaurant on January 17. I extend my heartfelt condolences to his family. They can be rightly proud of his tremendous talent, professional dedication, and genuinely good and decent soul. Alex was one of our finest interns at the Western Policy […]


Response to Bloomberg’s article on Cyprus’ political solution and economy

By Dr Aris Petasis* The following response was sent by me to Bloomberg: Dear Stephen, I had occasion to read in Bloomberg yesterday’s (Jan 9, 2014) article by Maria Petrakis and George Georgiou under the title “Exiled Cypriots’ Homecoming Dream Thwarted by Turkey Scandal” and wish to share with all three of you my observations […]
