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Readout of the President’s Calls with Prime Minister Cameron, President Komorowski, Chancellor Merkel

THE WHITE HOUSE – Office of the Press Secretary – March 2, 2014 President Obama spoke separately this afternoon with Prime Minister Cameron of the United Kingdom, President Komorowski of Poland, and Chancellor Merkel of Germany.  The leaders expressed their grave concern over Russia’s clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is a breach […]


Το πραγματικό και το “μνημονιακό” πρωτογενές πλεόνασμα

Του Simon Davis Η προηγούμενη εβδομάδα είχε τουλάχιστον δύο δημόσιες αντιπαραθέσεις και μια επίσημη ανακοίνωση σχετικά με το πρωτογενές πλεόνασμα (ή πιο γενικά, το πρωτογενές αποτέλεσμα). Στις περισσότερες χώρες, αυτό θα συνέβαινε ίσως μια φορά κάθε τρεις μήνες και σίγουρα δεν θα υπήρχε έντονη συχνή δημόσια διαφωνία για την εγκυρότητα των επίσημων στοιχείων.


Readout of President Obama’s Call with Prime Minister Erdogan

THE WHITE HOUSE – Office of the Press Secretary – February 19, 2014 President Obama spoke by phone today with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey on a range of bilateral and regional issues.  The President affirmed the value he places on a strong, mutually respectful bilateral relationship with the Republic of Turkey and expressed his […]


John Kiriakou Threatened with ‘Diesel Therapy,’ Suffers Shakedowns for Talking to Press

By Kevin Gosztola The federal correctional institution of Loretto, Pennsylvania, where former CIA officer John Kiriakou is serving a thirty-month jail sentence, appears to be scrambling to find any way they can to stop him from sending letters from prison. He has written another letter that details what seem to be clear acts of retaliation.


Dr. Kimon Valaskakis: There is always a danger of Grexit as there is of Brixit

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris The stark contrast between the stance of the International Monetary Fund and the European Union on the Greek debt crisis is all too evident with the IMF insisting that Greek debt will have to undergo a new haircut while Germany stands pat on a policy that considers any such discussion to be […]


Statement by the Secretary-General on Cyprus

I warmly welcome the finalisation of a joint communiqué today and the formal re-launch by the Greek Cypriot leader, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades, and the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr. Derviş Eroğlu, of fully fledged negotiations aimed at reaching a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem.


An Ultra Marathon of Hope

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris The debt crisis has hit the young population of Greece the hardest. Today, some 465,000 children in the country live below the poverty line, 22% subsist on a diet that lacks animal protein, 37% are without adequate heating, 28% are housed in unhygienic homes, 23% live in poor environmental conditions and 10% […]


US looks forward to successful resumption of Cyprus peace talks

US Vice President Joe Biden, in a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades on Friday, underscored the unwavering U.S. support for a just and lasting settlement to achieve the re-unification of Cyprus as a bizonal, bicommunal federation.


CPJ troubled by report GCHQ targeted journalists

San Francisco, February 7, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists is deeply troubled by a report that a potential operation by the British intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) involved covert surveillance of reporters’ communications.


Turkish president should veto Internet bill

San Francisco, February 6, 2014–The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Turkish President Abdullah Gül to veto the Internet bill passed Wednesday by the Turkish Parliament. The bill would grant the Turkish government unprecedented control over the Internet by allowing Web pages to be blocked without a court order, requiring mandatory data retention by Internet Service Providers, and […]
