English Section

When the rule of law isn’t: Turkey at the crossroads

By Geoffrey King – CPJ Internet Advocacy Coordinator In less than a week, Turkish voters will cast their ballots in local elections widely seen as a test of support for embattled Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has faced growing questions about official corruption since a high-level probe first became public in December. Although many […]


CPJ condemns Twitter ban in Turkey

New York, March 21, 2014—Turkey banned access to the social media platform Twitter on Friday, hours after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan threatened in a public speech to shut it down, according to news reports. The move comes just ahead of March 30 elections and follows Erdoğan’s threats to ban Facebook and YouTube.


Violence Against Women Lurks Everywhere!

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris I had known my girl friend for many years.  We had formed a close bond since my arrival in Montreal, our families socialized on a regular basis and our children grew up playing together.  She seemed to lead a perfectly normal life in a middle-class home complete with big car and big […]


Readout of the President’s Call with President Xi of China

THE WHITE HOUSE – Office of the Press Secretary – March 10, 2014 The President spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping on the evening of March 9 regarding the situation in Ukraine.  The two leaders agreed on the fundamental importance of focusing on common interests and deepening practical cooperation to address regional and global challenges for the […]


Παραιτήθηκε ο διοικητής της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας Κύπρου

Ο Διοικητής της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας Κύπρου κ. Πανίκος Δημητριάδης υπέβαλε σήμερα προς τον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας κ. Νίκο Αναστασιάδη την παραίτησή του, η οποία και έγινε αποδεκτή. Σύμφωνα με το συμβόλαιο του κ. Δημητριάδη απαιτείται ένας μήνας προειδοποίηση, για αυτό και η παραίτηση θα έχει ισχύ από τις 10 Απριλίου. Στο διάστημα αυτό ο κ. […]


Kiriakou: I got 30 months in prison. Why does Panetta get a pass?

By John Kiriakou – LA Times The confirmation in December that former CIA Director Leon Panetta let classified information slip to “Zero Dark Thirty” screenwriter Mark Boal during a speech at the agency headquarters should result in a criminal espionage charge if there is any truth to Obama administration claims that it isn’t enforcing the […]


Silenced: a powerfull documentary about John Kiriakou – The War on Whistleblowers

Only 11 Americans have ever been charged under the Espionage Act of 1917; eight of them since President Obama took office. Academy Award®-nominated documentarian James Spione returns to Tribeca Film Festival with the incredible personal journeys of two members of that octet, Thomas Drake and John Kiriakou, along with accountability advocate, Jesselyn Radack, who helped […]


Jen Psaki, State Department: Christians under Threat in Syria

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE – Office of the Spokesperson – March 3, 2014 STATEMENT BY Jen psaki, SPOKESPERSON Christians under Threat in Syria The United States deplores continued threats against Christians and other minorities in Syria, who are increasingly targeted by extremists.  Last week in Raqqa, the Islamic State of Syria and the Levant (ISIL) announced […]


Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu before Bilateral Meeting

THE WHITE HOUSE – Office of the Press Secretary – March 3, 2014 – Oval Office – 2:04 P.M. EST REMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMA AND PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU BEFORE BILATERAL MEETING PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Well, it’s a pleasure to welcome once again Prime Minister Netanyahu to the Oval Office.  There’s nobody I’ve met with more or consulted with more […]


G-7 Leaders Statement against Russia

THE WHITE HOUSE – Office of the Press Secretary – March 2, 2014 We, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States and the President of the European Council and President of the European Commission, join together today to condemn the Russian Federation’s clear violation of the sovereignty and […]
