English Section

An Annan Plan for Turkey’s Kurds

By Marcus Templar Greek Cypriots, the majority population on the Island of Cyprus, overwhelmingly rejected a plan for reunification with the island’s small Turkish minority developed by United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan in a referendum on April 24, 2004.  The majority Greeks regarded the solution offered by Annan as impractical and unfair, while the […]


Turkish bombs and riots in Cyprus: Handling the facts

William Mallinson / Copyright: Dr. W.D.E. Mallinson Introduction I had to fight for nearly three and a half years, with the support of the Information Commissioner, before the latter ordered the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to release vital documents, which showed how from 1974 Britain had tried to give up its bases in Cyprus, […]


Out of a Sophistry and into a Trap for Cyprus

By Dr Aris Petasis* The last report of the International Crisis Group (ICG) on Cyprus under the title “Divided Cyprus: coming to terms on an imperfect reality” makes interesting reading. The ICG is a steady supporter of Turkish positions on Cyprus and has all along been an enthusiastic backer of the Bizonal-Bicommunal Federal (BBF) solution […]


State Department: Tragic Loss of Life in Odesa

Press Statement by Marie Harf, Deputy Department Spokesperson, Office of the Spokesperson, on the tragic loss of life in Odesa: The United States today mourns with all Ukrainians the heartbreaking loss of life in Odesa. Today the international community must stand together in support of the Ukrainian people as they cope with this tragedy. The […]


Behind Turkey’s Roaring

By Marcus A. Templar Turkey’s refusal to submit flight plans for its military airplanes is consistent with its doctrine of preemptive strike when the time is ripe. Turkey’s doctrine developed from the fact that not only it went unpunished for a number of rogue actions that it perpetrated against Greek interests especially after it joined […]


ANCA: Erdogan Statement is Denial Repackaged

Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) executive director Aram Hamparian said the following about Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s statement on the “events of 1915”: “Increasingly isolated internationally, Ankara is repackaging its genocide denials.” “Prime Minister Erdogan, in his statement today, attempts, in vain, to escape responsibility for the Armenian Genocide, by somehow downgrading this still […]


Washington’s Inconsistent Stance on Territorial Integrity

By Ted Galen Carpenter U.S. officials scarcely miss any opportunity to denounce Russia for severing Crimea from Ukraine and then annexing the peninsula. Yet Washington’s own track record regarding respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries is inconsistent, to say the least. Critics have noted that the position the United States and its […]


President Obama Offers Easter and Passover Greetings

THE WHITE HOUSE – Office of the Press Secretary – SATURDAY, April 19, 2014 WASHINGTON, DC – In this week’s address, the President offered his warmest greetings as millions of Americans celebrate Easter this Sunday and recounted the Passover Seder he hosted at the White House earlier this week, joining Jewish families around the world […]


My Spiritual Greek Easter!

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris The Greek Orthodox celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus as the ultimate celebration of Christianity. The Resurrection, Jesus’ return to life following his crucifixion, symbolizes the purification of the soul and a spiritual uplifting, consistent with the onset of nature’s spring. Throughout Holy Week, Orthodoxy is in grieving for Christ’s ascent to Calvary […]


The Greeks of Quebec: Against a Referendum

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris I watched the Quebec provincial election very closely even though I was in Europe during a major part of the course of the campaign. The race evolved into an incredible thriller, with the voters of Quebec eventually  showing their preference of a strong Quebec within a unified Canada. The Parti Quebecois, which, […]
