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Readout of the President’s National Security Council Meeting

President Obama convened the National Security Council in the Situation Room today from 11:30 to 1:00 to review the events in Boston. The President was updated by Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Monaco, National Security Advisor Donilon, Attorney General Holder, FBI Director Mueller, and Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano on the […]


Cyprus Czecked

By Marios Leonida Evriviades What happened to Cyprus in the early hours of March 25 and in the lead up meeting of March 15 in Brussels, the headquarters of the European Union, was qualitatively no different than what happened to Czechoslovakia on September 29 1938 in Munich of Nazi-controlled Germany.


Strawberry Fields in Blood

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris  feel shame, disgust and horror for what happened in New Manolada, Greece this week. I feel I must apologize for the Greek monsters who blindly opened fire, injuring a host of migrant strawberry pickers from Pakistan and Bangladesh who had been left unpaid for months and returned to demand their dues. Instead […]


White House: Readout of the President’s Briefing on the Explosions in Boston

This morning the President, joined by Vice President Biden, convened a briefing in the Oval Office with his national security team on the ongoing investigation into the explosions in Boston.


Message of Metropolitan Methodios of Boston to the Clergy and Faithful of the Metropolis of Boston

To the Reverend Clergy and Faithful Stewards of the Metropolis of Boston  Brethren, We are all shocked with today’s terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon.  Once again, evil reared its ugly head and countless of our fellow citizens have been victimized.  Our prayers and thoughts are with the victims and their families, as well as […]


Greece’s Daily Torment

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris The never-ending torment that the Greek people continue to experience, a full three years after the government’s bailout loan agreement with the IMF, ECB and EC triumvirate (2010), has brought the nation to a breaking point. With the “troika” descending quarterly on Athens to review the government’s progress on reducing the budget […]


On Second Thought … Maybe that Israeli Apology to Turkey was a Good Idea

By Daniel Pipes I was appalled to learn a week ago that the Israeli prime minister had apologized to his Turkish counterpart for his government’s actions during the Mavi Marmara incident, seeing this as feeding the Turkish government’s inflated sense of grandeur and power.


Cyprus: Europe’s Original Sin…

By Endy D. Zemenides “If this is successful then it will be used in the future. If this is not successful, then who cares about Cyprus.” – Senior eurozone official on Cyprus’s bank deposit levy vote


Greece’s Desperate Call

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris The Greek Foreign Minister, Dimitris Avramopoulos, arrived in Ottawa on an official two-day visit last week where he held talks with his Canadian counterpart, John Baird. Amidst a climate of mutual respect and friendship, the officials emphasized the historic ties that bond the two nations and pointed to the fact that 2012 […]


Germany: Europe’s Greedy Boss

By Justine Frangouli-Argyris Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s comments after a painstaking, last-minute bailout deal for Cyprus was reached in the wee hours of Monday morning sent shivers through global financial markets. The recently appointed president of the influential Eurogroup, responding to questions from Reuters’ and the Financial Times‘ correspondents, praised the plan as a […]
