English Section

PM Mitsotakis: I will not jeopardise the country’s stability to serve my political interests

The general elections will be held at the end of government’s four-year term,


Skrekas: Greece – Bulgaria pipeline to start operating by the end of July

The Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) natural gas pipeline, which will be inaugurated


PM Mitsotakis: The citizen is the epicentre of all the government’s actions

The citizen as an individual is at the epicentre of the government’s


Members of U.S. Congress form united front against new F-16 sale to Turkey, file amendment to block sale

U.S. lawmakers in the Congressional Caucus for Hellenic Issues on Tuesday


PM Mitsotakis: Greece in 2022 is nothing like the country of 2015

“Greece in 2022 is nothing like the country of 2015,” Prime Minister


Passenger traffic in Athens airport nearing 2019 levels

Passenger traffic in the Athens International Airport reached 2019 levels


Environment Minister Skrekas announces higher power subsidies for households, businesses in July

There will be significantly increased subsidies to cover the cost


Rise in Covid-19 cases observed, especially in tourist areas, younger age groups

There has been an increase in new Covid-19 infections in the last three weeks,


Campaign for metro, tram systems to remind passengers that masks remain mandatory

A campaign highlighting that the use of masks remains mandatory


We claim a clear mandate for single-party majority so that citizens feel confidence, Economou says

“Within the given international environment and knowing the Greek
