Pavlopoulos, Tsipras expresses condolences to Hollande

Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos in a phone contact with French President Francois Hollande expressed his deepest condolences as well as the support of the Greek people to France and especially the families of the victims.

Pavlopoulos underlined that this is not only a French tragedy, but a Greek one, and an international one. “Primarily it is a tragedy of the West, since unscrupulous Islamists turned, through France, against the Western civilization, against the Democracy, against the human rights,” he noted.

Pavlopoulos pointed to Hollande that the main root of evil is the war in the Middle East and particularly in Syria which must stop as soon as possible adding that that this is primarily the responsibility of the European Union. “And in this direction Greece, an integral member of the European Union and the cradle of its culture, was, is and will be ready to cooperate,” he stressed.

Tsipras: It is our duty to create a safe environment for all the people of Europe

It is our duty to isolate the terrorists and dismantle their networks, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said in a statement concerning the terrorist attacks in Paris.

The Greek prime minister noted, however, that it is also our duty to immediately stop the vicious circle of violence and find a solution to the refugee problem.

“It is our duty to create a safe environment for all the people of Europe,” he underlined adding that Europe must remain a land of freedom and democracy.

The bloody terrorist attack in Paris was a blind but targeted strike, he noted. “It was a blow against Europe, home of Democracy and freedom, a blow against multiculturalism.”

“At this hour we all stand together, we strengthen our solidarity towards the French people and support their government. We fight against the plans of terrorism and barbarism. The terrorists will prevail only if they achieve to terrorize us; only if they force us to abandon our principles; if they lead us to a fortress-Europe, where scared people live,” he said.

“We shall defeat terrorism and barbarism only if we show our determination in our choice to live in a Europe of democracy, freedom and solidarity,” Tsipras stressed.

We are in a war with terrorists, New Democracy leader Meimarakis says

“We are sending a message to terrorists. All the European, democratic forces will act jointly. We will not allow people to be seduced by extreme, populist voices,” New Democracy leader Evangelos Meimarakis said during a speech in Athens.

Meimarakis added that people will escape the fear that terrorists want to impose.

“As French President Francois Hollande said we are in a war. The Greeks fight like heroes. We are ready to fight for freedom and democracy,” he underlined and urged Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to take a stand on a number of issues before his trip to Turkey.

Referring to government policy, he said that for the first time a few weeks after the elections there is no tranquility, stability and optimism but anxiety and restlessness.

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