Majority’s demand for political change will be realised in 2019, ND leader Mitsotakis says

“We will have national elections in 2019 and I believe that the demand of the vast majority of Greek society for a major political change will become reality so that we can finally face the future with more optimism, more smiles and greater confidence,” main opposition New Democracy (ND) leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Friday from the city of Patras.

“New Democracy was and always will be against any kind of sit-in protest; some have built their political careers on sit-ins,” main opposition New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Friday, adding: “I want to say that I totally understand the frustration of all those that choose to oppose the bad Prespes Agreement – but closed schools means closed minds.”
The main opposition leader, in statements from the city of Patras, also underlined: “I would not like healthy patriotism to become the fuel of an extreme nationalism in the hands of some shady operators. We will all together stand against those who seek to radicalise the younger generation in order to facilitate their own political and party ambitions. Every Greek and every young child has the right to protest against this bad agreement. Let us do it by keeping schools open and by always respecting the country’s democratic institutions.”

Source: AMNA

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